#LOCALartIS Clara Kent


Clara Kent is a musician, artist and entrepreneur living in Pittsburgh. Her music varies with a blend of soul, jazz, blues, and hip-hop. She creates music individually, and collectively with the group Tribe Eternal. Music isn’t her only passion, Kent is an artist, having residency at Flow Lounge.

How would you describe your music?

The music I create is remnant of several genres – soul, jazz, blues, and hip-hop have been very influential in my life, and that shows through my music. I like to use these genres almost like an alchemist, fusing one with another.

How do you work individually, or collectively with Tribe Eternal?

Tribe Eternal is an artist collective. We work together to build up quality art work, music, and create experiences with events and live performances.

Individually, I am a self-taught artist. My mother immersed me in art at a young age. She was an artist herself, so painting became second nature to me by observing her work. I am the resident artist of Flow Lounge and Gallery at 282 Morewood Ave, as well as the Art Studio Manager.

Collectively, I am a singer-songwriter, event curator, and visual artist of Tribe Eternal Music Group. I scout for artists with amazing talent to display their work at our event called Writings on the Wall. We have it every other month at Flow to give an opportunity to local artists and vendors to reach a new demographic. I also handle Tribe Eternal’s social media and online advertising/marketing.

Did you study music?

Yes! I studied through the Afro-American Music Institute in Homewood. I also was in my church choir for years, and all throughout grade school, middle school, high school, and college. I studied Vocal Jazz at Columbia College in Chicago.

What are your goals as a musician?

My goal is to reach the people who need to be reminded that they are enough. I feel that my journey has been one of many lessons. One of the lessons that I’m learning and growing with is allowing myself to be, without any expectations. I want to remind people that they are enough. To love themselves isn’t selfish at all. It’s necessary. I want to leave music that will resonate for a long time. Fame is nice, but when it’s rooted in genuine emotions and integrity, it’s much more rewarding.

Do you think Pittsburgh is a good city to start a music career in?

Pittsburgh is a great city to get yourself polished. It’s rough. It brings humility to you. I feel this city definitely was a great coach. It helped me to get my artistry in line and balanced. The crowd is tough here, which is great. It makes you drive harder and want to make music you enjoy instead of making what you think others will enjoy. This city is for artists who wish to create their own waves. You can ride a wave here, just make sure you know how to make them too.

What events are you looking for to performing at this summer?

I’m very excited to perform at Jailbreak Music Festival July 15; it’s going to be huge – at least 50 acts and artists. Then, of course, Tribe’s own Writings on the Wall VI is August 5 at Flow Lounge. We have Respect the Cool coming down from New York to perform with us. It’s gonna be a great summer.

Listen to Clara Kent’s music here.