
LOCALpittsburgh — Gallery Roundup April 2024

“I had always planned to make a large painting of the early spring, when the first leaves are at the bottom of the trees, and they seem to float in space in a wonderful way. But the arrival of spring can’t be done in one picture.” — David Hockney, painter


SIR DAVID CALLED IT RIGHT … the arrival of Spring in Pittsburgh can’t be done in just one gallery show or museum exhibit.

That’s why April’s Roundup has 39 (and likely more) venues to experience local visual arts, starting with the seasonal re-emergence of street fairs and art nights.

Apr. 5, 6-10 p.m. Unblurred First Friday. Sponsored by Bloomfield-Garfield Corporation, this monthly celebration of niehgborhood life along Penn Avenue between the 4800 and 5500 blocks (Negley to Mathilda) with galleries, eateries, shops and entertainment. This month features the BOOM Unblurred Takeover Pop-up Show celebrating BOOM Concepts’ 10-year anniversary with artists Evangeline Mensah, Agyekum, Ivory Eddins, Jameelah Platt, Charlese Dawson, Jules Malice exhibiting at Silver Eye Center For Photography, 4808 Penn Avenue.

Apr. 5, 6-9 p.m. Sharpsburg First Friday. Shops, restaurants and art galleries stay open late with live entertainment in downtown Sharpsburg.

Apr. 20-21, 10 a.m.-5 p.m. Shadyside … The Other Art Festival on Walnut Street presents 100+ artists including painters, potters, jewelers, photographers and a craft marketplace featuring hand-made soaps, clothing, home decor. 

Apr. 27-28. 27th Annual Art All Night is a free, 22-hour festival (from 4 p.m. Apr. 27 to 2 p.m. Apr. 28) with art, films and music performances showcasing hundreds of emerging and established artists. It takes place in the expansive Crucible Building at 3011 Smallman Street.

“Cradle of Life VIII” by Jannick Wildberg (Jeffrey Smith Salon)

Galleries & Exhibits

937 Liberty Gallery. To Apr. 6-June 2: Where Did Your Christ Come From? New work by painter/muralist Wavy Wednesday; opening reception Apr. 6, 6-8 p.m. 937 Liberty Ave. Pittsburgh. (412) 456-6666.

Associated Artists of Pittsburgh. To Mar. 9-May 17:  Featured Artists Exhibition. New work by Lauren Braun, Nancy McNary Smith, Sandra Bacchi, Cheryl Capezzuti, Ulric Joseph, Ben Schonberger, Ling-lin Ku, Jessica Alpern Brown, Lisa Bergant Koi, Paul Roden, Molly Davis, La Vispera. 100 43rd St., Unit 107, Pittsburgh. (412) 212-6650.

Atithi Studios. To May 10: Unbearable Lightness. New work by painter Jacki Temple; opening reception Apr. 5, 6-9 p.m. 1020 N. Canal Street, Sharpsburg. (412) 301-5374.

“Each Night the Last Night” by Natalie Moffitt (Concept Art Gallery)

August Wilson African American Cultural Center. To July 7: Abeduu Adekai: Proverb Boxes for a Life Well Traveled. Nw installations by Ghanaian sculptor Jacob Tetteh-Ashong. Apr. 26-July 7:  Xippi, Heritage, and Metamorphosis: Voices in West African Art. New work by 14 artists from Western Africa. On permanent exhibit:  August Wilson, The Writer’s Landscape. 980 Liberty Ave. Pittsburgh. (412) 339-1011. 

be Galleries. To Apr. 27: Robert Qualters: More Leaves/New Work. 12 new paintings by Robert Qualters from photographs by Mark Perrott. 3583 Butler St., Pittsburgh. (412) 687-2606.

Bottlebrush Gallery & Center for the Arts. Apr. 14-May 5: Contemporary Interpretations of Ancient Folklore & Mythology. New work by photographer Dennis Keyes; opening reception Apr. 28, 2-4 p.m. 539 Main St. Harmony. (724) 452-0539.

“Anne Feeney at USWA rally” by Pittsburgh Post-Gazette (Heinz History Center)

Bottom Feeder Books. Apr. 6-28:  The Definitive Collection: New Paintings and Collages. New work by Paul Rosenblatt. 415 Gettysburg St. Pittsburgh. (412) 231-9577.

Brew House Arts. To Apr. 20: Neither Here Nor There. Faculty exhibition by University of Pittsburgh’s Studio Art Department including Scott Andrew, Ken Batista, Melissa Catanese, Casey Connelly, Aaron Henderson, Delanie Jenkins, Bryan Martello, Mike Morrill, Sean P. Morrissey, Brent Nakamoto, Paolo Piscitelli, Omid Shekari, Becky Slemmons, Loring Taoka, Lenore Thomas, Scott Turri, Barbara Weissberger. 711 S. 21st St. Pittsburgh. (412) 212-6650.

Carnegie Museum of Art. To May 12:  Imprinting in Their Time: Japanese Printmakers, 1912–2022. 90 classic prints drawn from the museum’s extensive collection. To July 21:  Everlasting Plastics. Site-specific installations by Xavi L. Aguirre, Simon Anton, Ang Li, Norman Teague, Lauren Yeager. 4400 Forbes Ave. Pittsburgh. (412) 622-3131.

Concept Art Gallery. To May 4:  Spring For Abstraction. New work by painters Zoe Welsh, Clayton Merrell, Michael Kessler, Kim Beck, James Siena, Natalie Moffitt, Ronald Romano, Michael Morrill, Caroline Kent, Trevor King, Seuil Chung, Glenn Ligon, Ignacio Arteta. 1031 S. Braddock Ave. Pittsburgh. (412) 242-9200.

“Birds of a Feather” by Lorrie Anne Minicozzi (Pop-Up Gallery)

Contemporary Craft. To May 4:  Oneness. New work by sculptor Brie Ruais. To June 28: Make Yourself Comfortable. New work by Vicki Branagan. 5645 Butler St. Pittsburgh. (412) 261-7003.

Cranberry Artists Network. To Apr. 4: “Emergence” Spring Show. New work by CAN members. Bottlebrush Gallery, 539 Main St. Harmony.

CURIO.  To Apr. 20: Symbiosis: from pixels to paint. New work by painter Annie Heisey and photographer Katie Brumberg. 113 North Main Street, Zelienople. (724) 473-0223.

“Sunset Spikes” by Katie Brumberg (CURIO)

Double Dog Studios. Apr. 27-May 25: James P. Nelson: Works on Paper & Canvas. New work by painter James P. Nelson; opening reception Apr. 27, 6-8 p.m. 317 Second Ave. Carnegie. (412) 343-5584.

The Frick Art Museum. Apr. 6-July 14:  Vermeer, Monet, Rembrandt: Forging the Frick Collections in Pittsburgh & New York. Featured are 36 pieces from the Frick Collection in New York City. 7227 Reynolds St. Pittsburgh (412) 371-0600.

Heinz History Center. To Oct. 6:  A Woman’s Place: How Women Shaped Pittsburgh. Filling 9,000 square feet with more than 300 artifacts and photos, this exhibit spotlights women’s contributions to Pittsburgh’s culture, politics, business, science, education, religion and sports. 1212 Smallman St. Pittsburgh. (412) 454-6000.

“Naga” by Dennis Keyes (Bottlebrush Gallery & Center for the Arts)

Irma Freeman Center for Imagination. To Apr. 15: Shades of Black. New work by Women of Visions art collective; reception Apr. 5, 6-9 p.m. 5006 Penn Ave. Pittsburgh. (412) 924-0634.

Jeffrey Smith Salon. To May 25:  Spring Is in the Art. New work by painter Jannick Wildberg. 5806 Bryant St, Pittsburgh. (412) 441-1440.

John A. Hermann Memorial Art Museum. Apr. 7-30:  2024 Art Exhibit. Artwork by students from Northgate Catholic Assumption Academy. 318 Lincoln Ave. Bellvue. (412) 761-8008.

“Pittsburgh Cookie Table” by Lynda Sadecky (Manos Gallery)

Ketchup City Creative. Apr. 20: Testimony. New work by Rem Sleep. Apr. 27-28 Divinity. New work by tatoo artists Joei Ezra Durick, Cara Torcasi, Adrianne Shurina, Lauren Steele, Shannon McDade, Chris Churchfield. 612 Main St. Sharpsburg. (412) 593-4386.

Kelly-Strayhorn Theater. To June 8:  Abolitionist Expressions. Work from the Let’s Get Free permanent collection featuring art made by people in prison as well as artists in solidarity from outside of prison. 5941 Penn Ave. Pittsburgh. (412) 363-3000.

Latrobe Art Center. To May 31: Spring 2024 Members Exhibition. 819 Ligonier St. Latrobe. (724) 537-7011.

“Good Luck” by Wavy Wednesday (937 Liberty Gallery)

Lohr Gallery. To May 25:  Lizzee Solomon. New work by mixed media artist Lizzee Solomon. 725 Wood St. Wilkinsburg. (412) 727-7855.

Manos Gallery. Apr. 6-30: Shadows Distributed. New work 32 artists; opening reception Apr. 6, 12-5 p.m.  320 E. 5th Ave. Tarentum. (484) 529-1597.

Mattress Factory. To May 19:  As Below, So Above. Artist-in-residence Shohei Katayama explores the space between light and dark, life and death, beauty and danger, nature and man. To Sept. 1, 2024:  Assume the Risk by Delhi, India installation artist Asim Waqif. To Dec. 1: Andrea Peña. New solo exhibit by sculptor/choreographer Andrea Peña. To Nov. 30, 2025: State of the Sky. New two-year exhibition by artist-in-residence Luke Stettner featuring collaborations with Mac Carbonell, Chris Domenick, Michelle Franco, Nicholas Kawa, Calista Lyon, Bryan Ortiz, Suzanne Silver, Ed Steck, Mike Stickrod. 516 Sampsonia Way, Pittsburgh. (412) 231-3169.

“Pathways” by Rachel Rodkey (Spinning Plate Gallery)

Miller ICA. To Apr. 7: Second Degree Vision. CMU MFA Exhibit 2024 featuring Sobia Ahmad, Steve Alexis, Anisha Baid, Inbar Hagai, Georgia Saxelby, London Williams . Carnegie Mellon University Purnell Center for the Arts, 5000 Forbes Ave. Pittsburgh. (412) 268-3618.

Pittsburgh Center for Arts & Media. Apr. 5-30:  Story of the Blissfield General Store and the Pure Bliss Advertising Campaign. New work by mixed media artist Ron Copeland; opening reception Apr. 5, 6-8 p.m. Artist talk Apr. 28, 1-3 p.m. 1047 Shady Ave. Pittsburgh. (412) 361-0873.

Pop-Up Gallery. Apr. 20-26 (2-6 p.m.): Portals: A Cathartic Journey of Expression. New installations and sculpture by mixed media artist Lorrie Anne Minicozzi; opening reception Apr. 19, 6 p.m. 709 Parkview Drive, Gibsonia.

“Another Troubled Sky” by Jacki Temple (Atithi Studios)

Silver Eye Center For Photography. To Apr. 13: O­_Man!. New work by Kelli Connell and Natalie Krick. 4808 Penn Ave. Pittsburgh. (412) 431-1810.

SPACE. To Apr. 28: This is not a map. This collection of new works addresses contemporary notions of place, time and storytelling. Eight artists hailing from five continents (all now living and working in Pittsburgh) present an installation informed by their diverse studio practices incorporating textiles, collages, video essays and digital sculpture. 812 Liberty Ave. Pittsburgh. (412) 325-7723.

Spinning Plate Gallery. Apr. 6-30: Rachel Rodkey:  All That’s Left. New work by painter Rachel Rodkey; opening reception Apr. 6, 6-9 p.m. 5821 Baum Blvd. Pittsburgh. (412) 592-6418.

“Goats Playing a Game” by Tafara Bundrige (VaultArt Studio)

St. Vincent College Verostko Center for the Arts.  To Apr. 5:  Shared Concerns. Selections from past gallery exhibits mix with new work from current Associated Artists of Pittsburgh members Sandra Bacchi, Tony Cavalline, Eunsu Kang, Clayton Merrell, Mary Kay Neff, S.C., Adalberto Ortiz, Marian Phillips, Patrick Schmidt, Nicole Renee Ryan, Evan Rumble, Silvija Singh, Sarah Tancred. 300 Fraser Purchase Rd. Latrobe. (724) 805-2107.

StopWatch Gallery & Studio. To Apr. 6: “Joseph Lupo:  This Doesn’t Make Any Sense…”. New prints by Joseph Lupo celebrating early 20th-century comics. 323 South Main St. Greensburg. (724) 708-2034.

Sweetwater Center for the Arts. To Apr. 19: Small Works, Big Impact. New work by mixed media artists Brooke Rothshank, Liz Steiner, Nikki Lau, Erin Carlson, Andrea Finch, Christine Holtz, Matt Zorn, Julie Zaichuk-Ryan, Meredith Bigatel, Claire McCauley, Luke Huling, Claira Barilar. 200 Broad St. Sewickley. (412) 741-4405.

“Ngewo Whispers, Savannah GA, 2022” by Adama Delphine Fawundu (August Wilson African American Cultural Center)

Tomayko Foundation. Apr. 19-May 31:  Today. Work by 31 artists on the theme of “today”, co-presented by National Association of Women Artists; opening reception Apr. 19, 5:30-8 p.m. 5173 Liberty Ave. Pittsburgh. (412) 550-0119.

University Art Gallery. Apr. 5-27: Changes With Exposure. New work by graduating University of Pittsburgh Studio Arts majors Megan Ackley, Ren Aimua, Jenna Antosh, Sydney Cristofori, Lucy Eickelberg, Bailey Hedges, Cocoro Kambayashi, Grace Kelley, Kathryn Larrimer, Ronan Liu, Tamsin Longenberger, Charlie Lovett-Dietrich, Shyann Maragh, Meghan O’Connor, James Richardson, Sohela Sachdev, Laura Wilkinson, Lucy Zhang; opening reception Apr. 4, 4-6 p.m. Frick Fine Arts Building, 650 Schenley Drive, Pittsburgh. (412) 648-2400.

VaultArt Studio. Apr. 5-30: Swamped. New work by VaultArt Studio members Kim Bond, Lee Kennedy, Heikeem Johnson, Kahyll Holyfield, Tafara Bundrige, Edith Sullivan; opening reception Apr. 5, 7-9 p.m. 5100 Penn Ave. Pittsburgh. (412) 404-2895.

“Around Tiverton” by James P. Nelson (Double Dog Studio)

Westmoreland Museum of American Art. To Apr. 24: Toshiko Mori & Frank Lloyd Wright: Dialogue in Details. Exhibit features a dialogue between architects Wright and Mori. To Sept. 8: 65 Artists, 65 Years: An Anniversary Exhibition. 65 artists from the museum’s collection. To Dec. 31: The Westmoreland Collects. Newly acquired works by the museum. To Dec. 31: Creating Common Memory. Exhibition of works from the Museum’s permanent collection featuring Native Americans. To Nov. 9, 2025: George Hetzel and Scalp Level. Artwork by George Hetzel (1826-1899) and his students from the Scalp Level School. 221 N. Main St. Greensburg. (724) 837-1500.

Wick Monet. Apr. 4-30: Bodies. New work by 60 Pittsburgh artists detailing the complicated and emotional experience of owning a body; opening reception Apr. 4, 7-9 p.m. 5404 Walnut St. Pittsburgh. (412) 874-4331.

ZYNKA Gallery. To Apr. 16: Point of Beginning. New work by painter Linda Price-Sneddon. 904 Main St. Sharpsburg. (412) 952-7370.

“Rainy Day on Carson St.” by Mary Ellen Raneri (Latrobe Art Center)
L.E. McCullough

L.E. McCullough is a Pittsburgh musician/writer/journalist who writes about Arts every chance he gets. Got some Arts to talk about? Contact him at

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