LOCALpittsburgh Gallery Roundup — November 2023


“If you ask me what I came to do in this world, I, an artist, will answer you … I am here to live out loud.”  Émile Zola

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Galleries & Exhibits

.5 Gallery.  Nov. 11, 6-9 p.m. Down the Rabbit Hole. New work by painter Bob Freyer. 407-1/2 Butler St. Etna. (412) 692-0483.

707 Penn Gallery. To Feb. 4, 2024: Death of a Lunar Cult. New work by painter Zach Brown. 707 Penn Ave. Pittsburgh. (412) 456-6666.

820 Liberty Gallery. To Feb. 18, 2024: MS User. New video, installation, performance work by Anisha Baid. 820 Liberty Ave. Pittsburgh. (412) 456-6666.

“Somewhere in the Plain State #3”, by Michel Demetria Tsouris (Spinning Plate Gallery)

937 Liberty Gallery. To Nov. 19: Divinity/Femininity. Curated by Dominique Seneca, this is the first U.S. solo exhibition by Zimbabwean contemporary artist Akudzwe Elsie Chiwa, whose multi-disciplinary practice explores themes of migrant identity, femininity, Afro-Feminisms. 937 Liberty Ave. Pittsburgh. (412) 456-6666.

Art & Soul Café. Nov. 5, 2-5 p.m. Art & Soul of the African-American Woman: 5th Annual Artist Showcase. New work by Marinda Taliaferro, Kiarra Chapman, Dashaun Bridges, Marlon Gist, Doonna Bundy Ford, Ashanté Josey, Sherri Randolph, Morgan Overton; Special Remembrance Tribute to Natiq Jalil and Leonard Johnson. Edgewood Country Club, 100 Churchill Rd. Pittsburgh. (412) 610-4228.

Assemble. Nov. 3-30: Fearless. New work by painter Theresa Monroe; opening reception 6-10 p.m. 4824 Penn Ave. Pittsburgh. (412) 661-6111.

Associated Artists of Pittsburgh. To Nov. 4:  Cutting Holes for Eyes. New work by photographers Nicole Czapinski and Centa Schumacher. Nov. 10-Dec. 22: 113 X 113 Winter Anniversary Exhibition. Celebrating Associated Artists of Pittsburgh’s 113th year, 113×113 features 100+ works of art, each priced at $113. To Nov. 17:  Commence. New work by Saige Baxter, Robert Buncher, Nicole Czapinski, Fabrizio Gerbino, Lori Hepner, Andy Julo, Stephanie Martin, Christine Lorenz, Peggy McClure, Catherine Ryan, Devina Goins, Michele Randall, Blaine Steiner, John Tronsor. At Tomayko Foundation. 5173 Liberty Ave. Pittsburgh. At 100 43rd St., Unit 107, Pittsburgh. (412) 212-6650.

“To Turn” by Heather Kanazawa (BoxHeart Gallery)

Atithi Studios. To Nov. 10: Emerging Artists Exhibition. New painting by Offroute Community, ages 16-24. 1020 N. Canal Street, Sharpsburg. (412) 301-5374.

August Wilson African American Cultural Center. Nov. 9-Feb. 18, 2024:  Onna-Bugeisha: Warriors of Light. New work by Canadian-born painter Tim Okamura. On permanent exhibit:  August Wilson, The Writer’s Landscape. 980 Liberty Ave. Pittsburgh. (412) 339-1011.

Borelli Cellars. Nov. 12-Jan. 31, 2024:  Leaders of Progress: Pittsburgh’s Artistic Luminaries. New work by Tom Mosser, Bob Ziller, Jesse Best, Bob Freyer, Tim Englehardt, Jacki Temple, James Wodarek, Michael Fratangelo, Carolyn Pierotti, After Dark, Scott Kowalski, Cue Perry; artist reception Dec. 2, 6-8 p.m 1500 Washington Rd. Mt. Lebanon. (412) 670-2868.

Bottlebrush Gallery & Center for the Arts. Nov. 17-Dec. 21: Bottlebrush Gallery Holiday Show. New work featuring Cranberry Artists Network; opening reception Nov. 17, 6-9 p.m. 539 Main St. Harmony. (724) 452-0539.

“Leopards Like to Party” by Wendy Davis (VaultArt Studio)

BoxHeart Gallery. Nov. 8-Jan. 19, 2024:  Chuffed Up! New work by Mary Becker, Rachael Burke, Clara Fialho, Aster da Fonseca, Karen Grosman, Heather Kanazawa, Marjorie Kaye, Melinda Laszczynski, Gary Mackender, Stephanie Martin, The Narfs, Mark Neuherz, Jeffrey Smith; opening reception Nov. 11, 5-7 p.m. 4523 Liberty Ave. Pittsburgh. (412) 687-8858.

Brew House Arts. Nov. 9-Dec. 30:  Buttery Spread. New work by Vania Evangelique, JR Holtz, Darian Johnson, Sarah LaPonte, Lauren McCoy, Steph Neary, Sophia Pappas, Rosabel Rosalind, Jennifer Shin, Gabrielle (Gabe) Wolfe, Imin Yeh; opening reception Nov. 9, 6:30-8:30 p.m. 711 S. 21st St. Pittsburgh. (412) 212-6650.

Carlow University Art Gallery. To Mar. 1, 2024: Kingdom of this World, Reimagined. New painting, photography, mixed media by Dudley Alexis, José Bedia, Edouard Duval-Carrié, Scherezade García, Sergio García, José García Cordero, Simryn Gill, Leah Gordon, Roberto Juárez, Maggie Steber commemorating the 1947 novel Kingdom of This World by Haitian author Alejo Carpentier. University Commons, 2nd floor, 3333 Fifth Ave. Pittsburgh. (412) 578-6000.

“Down the Rabbit Hole” by Bob Freyer (.5 Gallery)

Carnegie Museum of Art. To Feb. 11, 2024:  Amie Siegel: Panorama. New work by filmmaker, multimedia artist Amie Siegel. To Jan. 7, 2024:  Unsettling Matter, Gaining Ground. 17 artists use photography, painting and sculpture to narrate complex stories of how fossil fuel economies have been produced and upheld; whom they have excluded and left vulnerable; how they have shaped and disrupted cities, communities, ecologies. To May 12, 2024:  Imprinting in Their Time: Japanese Printmakers, 1912–2022. 90 classic prints drawn from the museum’s extensive collection. 4400 Forbes Ave. Pittsburgh. (412) 622-3131.

Concept Art Gallery.  To Nov. 11:  Michael Morrill & William Kofmehl: Thirty. Site-specific installation by sculptors Michael Morrill and William Kofmehl. To Nov. 11: J. Martin Bey and Mary Martin: Lines of Truth: Father to Daughter. New painting and ceramics by J. Martin Bey and Mary Martin. 1031 S. Braddock Ave. Pittsburgh. (412) 242-9200.

Contemporary Craft. To Jan. 13, 2024:  Climate Awakening: Crafting a Sustainable Future. New work by Susie Ganch, Courtney Mattison, Meghan Price, Adrien Segal. Nov. 10-Feb. 24, 2024:  ::iRiD3SC3NT[dreamz_____]:::. New work by jeweler Sulo Bee. 5645 Butler St. Pittsburgh. (412) 261-7003.

“Looming” by Alexis Dillon (Pittsburgh Center for Arts & Media)

CURIO.  Nov. 3-4: Holiday Open House Collective. New work by local artists. 113 North Main Street, Zelienople. (724) 473-0223.

Dormont Municipal Center. To Feb. 29, 2024: Art on the Walls. New work from Pittsburgh-based artists Giovanna Ferrari, John Hinderliter, Paige Kleinfelder, Jeannie McGuire, Anne M. Trimble, Wavy Wednesday, sponsored by Greater Pittsburgh Arts Council’s Art on the Walls program. 1444 Hillsdale Ave. Pittsburgh. (412) 391-2060.

Eleven Stanwix. To Dec. 31: Art on the Walls. New work from Pittsburgh-based artists Katie Koenig, Brian J. Sesack, Polly Whitehorn, Industrial Arts Workshop, sponsored by Greater Pittsburgh Arts Council’s Art on the Walls program. 11 Stanwix St. Pittsburgh. (412) 391-2060.

The Frick Art Museum. To Jan. 28, 2024. The Red Dress. A collaborative embroidery project conceived by British artist Kirstie Macleod as an artistic platform for women around the world, many of whom are vulnerable and live in poverty, to tell their personal stories through embroidery. The dress features contributions by 380 artists from 51 countries and has become a representation of border-defying unity and self-expression. To Feb. 4, 2024: Pittsburgh and the Great Migration: Black Mobility and the Automobile. An exhibit exploring the role of automobile ownership and the early 20th-century migration of Black Americans fleeing racism in the U.S. South. To Mar. 10, 2024:  From Stage to Page: 400 Years of Shakespeare in Print. An exhibit tracing the history of the famed First Folio collection of William Shakespeare plays. 7227 Reynolds St. Pittsburgh (412) 371-0600.

“Onna-Bugeisha: Warriors of Light” by Tim Okamura (August Wilson African American Cultural Center)

Irma Freeman Center for Imagination. Nov. 3-Dec. 1: Life Is Short, Art Is Long. New work by Jean McClung, Francis Crisafio, John Morris, Phil Rosetek, Jill Scipione, David Goldstein, Frank Harris, John Bender; opening reception Nov. 3, 7-9 p.m. 5006 Penn Avenue, Pittsburgh. (412) 924-0634.

James Gallery. To Dec. 8: Fugue State: Paintings by Catherine Fichtner, solo show by painter Catherine Fichtner; opening reception Oct. 12, 5-8 p.m. 413 S. Main St. Pittsburgh. (412) 922-9800.

Ketchup City Creative. Nov. 3-11: Pittsburgh Society of Artists New Members Show. New work by Nick Comack, Susan Walker, Hilary Schenker, Clare Stefanini, Lewis Pell, Kimberly Rentler, Lisa Markowski, Lynda Kirby, Debra Tobin; opening reception Nov. 11, 6:30-8:30 p.m. Nov.17-18:  Food! Food. Food? Group Show. Nov. 19:  Social Media for Artists workshop by Bob Freyer, 1:00-2:30 p.m. 612 Main St. Sharpsburg. (412) 593-4386.

Jewelry by Sulo Bee (Contemporary Craft)

KST Alloy Studios. To Dec. 17: Eternal Maternal. New work by painter Fran Flaherty and dancer Meg Foley. 5530 Penn Ave. Pittsburgh. (412) 363-3000.

Lohr Gallery. To Nov. 18:  Kelly Lanzendorfer. New work by photographer Kelly Lanzendorfer. 725 Wood St. Wilkinsburg. (412) 727-7855.

“Fear Less” by Theresa Monroe (Assemble)

Manos Gallery. Nov. 4-30: Locally Magnified. 29 artists showcasing works magnifying local scenery; opening reception Nov. 4, 12-5 p.m.  320 E. 5th Ave. Tarentum. (484) 529-1597.

Mattress Factory. Opens Nov. 17: State of the Sky. New two-year exhibition by artist-in-residence Luke Stettner featuring collaborations with Mac Carbonell, Chris Domenick, Michelle Franco, Nicholas Kawa, Calista Lyon, Bryan Ortiz, Suzanne Silver, Ed Steck, Mike Stickrod; opening reception Nov. 17, 6-8 p.m. To Dec. 1, 2024: Andrea Peña. New solo exhibit by sculptor/choreographer Andrea Peña. To Dec. 30:  The Museum Collects Itself by Lenka Clayton & Phillip Andrew Lewis; Do this while I wait by Lydia Rosenberg; As Seen From the Surface by Katie Bullock – at Monterey Annex, 1414 Monterey St. Pittsburgh. To Fall 2023: HalfDream: Another Room. New solo exhibit by Hong Kong and US-based artist Doreen Chan in which users around the world can describe their dreams, add them to a database which matches common dreams of participants and connect to “dreammates”. To May 19, 2024:  As Below, So Above. Artist-in-residence Shohei Katayama explores the space between light and dark, life and death, beauty and danger, nature and man. 516 Sampsonia Way, Pittsburgh. (412) 231-3169.

“Night Palms” by Lisa Markowski (Ketchup City Creative)

Miller ICA. To Dec. 10: Impossible Music. Interdisciplinary group exhibition features work by composers, artists, collectives (Terry Adkins, Black Quantum Futurism, Benvenuto Chavajay, Nikita Gale, Sarah Hennies, Tom Johnson, Conlon Nancarrow, Aki Onda, C. Spencer Yeh, Christine Sun Kim, Potlatch Records Listening Station). Carnegie Mellon University Purnell Center for the Arts, 5000 Forbes Ave. Pittsburgh. (412) 268-3618.

Pittsburgh Center for Arts & Media. To Nov. 5:  Ever Evolving: New Work from The Pittsburgh Group. New work by Adrienne Heinrich, Alexis Dillon, Aline Shader, Debra Platt, Ellen Chisdes Neuberg, Jane Ogren, Jo-Anne Bates, Jill Whittaker, Judy Musser, Kathleen Zimbicki, Phiris Kathryn Sickels, Sheila Cuellar-Shaffer, Sue Pollins, Tina Williams Brewer; panel discussion Nov. 5, 2-4 p.m. 1047 Shady Ave. Pittsburgh. (412) 361-0873.

Pittsburgh Glass Center. To Dec. 22: This Is Becoming a Pattern. New work by Nancy Callan, Mel Douglas, Joanna Manousis, Corey Pemberton, Nathan Sandberg, Amanda Simmons. 5472 Penn Ave. Pittsburgh. (412) 365-2145.

“Sinless Spuds” by Rosabel Rosalind (Brew House Arts)

Redfishbowl Studios. Nov. 11 (7-11p.m.):  “Connecting with Nature” Showcase. 32 artists responding to today’s environmental challenges. 4327 Butler St. #200, Pittsburgh. (724) 681-8965.

Silver Eye Center For Photography. Nov. 2-Feb. 3, 2024: Radial Survey Vol. 3. New work Akea Brionne, Larry W. Cook, Alanna Fields, Marissa Long, Eduardo L. Rivera. 4808 Penn Ave. Pittsburgh. From Oct. 24: Emerging Visions. New work by Sobia Ahmad, Anqwenique Kinsel, Evangeline Mensah-Agyekum at 529 Liberty Ave., 603 Liberty Ave., 817 Liberty Ave. with Pittsburgh Downtown Partners. (412) 431-1810.

SPACE. To Nov. 19: Jesse T. Best: Analog Holiday. New work by painter Jesse T. Best. 812 Liberty Ave. Pittsburgh. (412) 325-7723.

“Surface Tension” by Courtney Mattison (Contemporary Craft)

Spinning Plate Gallery. Nov. 10-30: Random Acts of Painting. New work by Briget Shields, Karen Chapin, Michel Demetria Tsouris; opening reception Nov. 10, 5-8 p.m. 5821 Baum Blvd. Pittsburgh. (412) 592-6418.

Sweetwater Center for the Arts. Nov. 30-Dec. 3: Holiday Market. 200 Broad St. Sewickley. (412) 741-4405.

Tomayko Foundation. To Nov. 17:  Commence. New work by Saige Baxter, Robert Buncher, Nicole Czapinski, Fabrizio Gerbino, Lori Hepner, Andy Julo, Stephanie Martin, Christine Lorenz, Peggy McClure, Catherine Ryan, Devina Goins, Michele Randall, Blaine Steiner, John Tronsor. 5173 Liberty Ave. Pittsburgh. info@tomayko.foundation

“Malik” by Evangeline Mensah-Agyekum (Silver Eye Center for Photography)

University Art Gallery. To Mar. 1, 2024: Kingdom of this World, Reimagined. New painting, photography, mixed media by Dudley Alexis, José Bedia, Edouard Duval-Carrié, Scherezade García, Sergio García, José García Cordero, Simryn Gill, Leah Gordon, Roberto Juárez, Maggie Steber commemorating the 1947 novel Kingdom of This World by Haitian author Alejo Carpentier. Frick Fine Arts Building, 650 Schenley Drive, Pittsburgh. (412) 648-2400.

VaultArt Studio. Nov. 3-30: New work by VaultArt Studio members. 5100 Penn Ave. Pittsburgh. (412) 404-2895.

“Kaitpo: The Story of Nyami Nyami’s Wife” by Akudzwe Elsie Chiwa (937 Liberty Gallery)

Westmoreland Museum of American Art. To Jan. 14, 2024: Frank Lloyd Wright’s Southwestern Pennsylvania. Multimedia exhibit features immersive videos and models of unrealized residential, commercial and civic projects designed by Frank Lloyd Wright from the 1930s through the ’50s. Toshiko Mori & Frank Lloyd Wright: Dialogue in Details. Exhibit features a dialogue between architects Wright and Mori. 221 N. Main St. Greensburg. (724) 837-1500.

Wood Street Galleries. To Feb. 11, 2024: Workflow: Jenson Leonard. New work by filmmaker Jenson Leonard. 601 Wood St. Pittsburgh. (412) 456-6666.

ZYNKA Gallery. Nov. 4-Dec. 21: Other Ghosts. New work by painter Michael Lotenero; opening reception Nov. 4, 5-8 p.m. 904 Main St. Sharpsburg. (412) 952-7370.

“Other Ghosts” Michael Lotenero (ZYNKA Gallery)\