Spinning Plate Gallery to Host “Isolation” Drive-By Exhibit


To say that these past couple of months have been different or unordinary would be an understatement. Many businesses and restaurants have adapted new ways to keep local Pittsburgher’s happy and the arts are no exception. The Spinning Plate Gallery is pleased to announce The Isolation Series, a drive-by art exhibition by Michel Demetria Tsouris. The exhibition will run from May 30 to June 30 and will feature over 60 works of oil on panel, which were created in anticipation of and during the sheltering in place order.

Michel Demetria Tsouris assured that her time spent during quarantine would be productive and meaningful, so she created new at work and writings to share with the Pittsburgh community in a time desperate for entertainment. “With so much emotion and so many thoughts coursing through us these months there was a lot to say and my only and saving grace outlet is art and writing, so that’s what I did, all day, every day,” said Tsouris. “For several of the works I appropriated old masterworks and some contemporary masterworks, giving them a new context and my own interpretation, I found it so interesting how many pieces from how many different time periods captured the layers of feelings we have all been going through this year.”

Even in a pandemic and times of drastic change, art serves a voice to explore the depths of emotional and psychological states in a medium like no other. As humans, we all experience unusual circumstances in different ways and the exhibition serves to recognize these diverse perceptions as Tsouris has composed a collection of her finest pieces with dark, light, and humorous themes that occur during the months of social distancing and put on display. Each work tells a symbolic story of how the human condition is pushed, twisted, and challenged, yet it is persistent and insistent to redefine itself.

All artwork will be viewable from the galley’s generous windows outside. Some may be allowed to enter in small increments by following the state restrictions on distance and face protection, but it is designed as a drive-by exhibition for everyone to enjoy. Tsouris will continue to create more pieces for the gallery over the course of the month opening, so come often to see the newest interpretations of how a professional artist engages with quarantine. “I will welcome you and your eyes on this new series,” said Tsouris. “I hope it strikes a chord, it struck a symphony in me, the whole quarantine thing, still has me has by its clutches.”