The Pittsburgh Society of Artists to Host the Artist’s Choice Exhibition at the Christine Frechard Gallery


This Saturday, August 3 from 6:00-9:00, The Pittsburgh Society of Artists (PSA) is excited to host the opening reception of the Artist’s Choice Exhibition at the Christine Frechard Gallery on the artsy Butler Street. The exhibition will begin this weekend and run through August 30. The PSA gets involved with the Artist’s Choice Exhibition every year and has greatly enjoyed teaming up with them.

This year, members and artists will have the opportunity to display pieces that have not been seen at other shows or events during the year thus far, mainly due to the restrictions found in some galley shows. According to local artist and member of the Artist’s Choice Exhibition, Tony Cavalline, “It can be a chance for artists to experiment with something new, show something that is a little out of the box for them, or simply to share a piece that means a lot to them or that they consider to be their best work.”

The opening reception will allow attendees to cast their vote for the People’s Choice Award based on the featured artwork. The winner will be revealed on the final day of the exhibition, August 30. Artists and admirers can enjoy a month worth of artwork that has not been on display all year. “I think that would be the takeaway for any viewer of the show – there are often so many factors that dictate what art is seen in gallery shows, this is a chance to contemplate what an artist would put forward when given the chance to share just one piece, with almost no other restrictions,” said Cavalline when asked about what he hopes outsiders to the arts profession take away from the show.

This is the second of three shows that the PSA will conduct in 2019. Back in April, the PSA was pleased with their small works show, which displayed pieces under 12 inches. The PSA will also host their Annual Juried Exhibition in November at Panza Gallery. Lastly, PSA is sponsoring a private endeavor in October at Panza Gallery as well, which is based on the 1980’s film Labyrinth.