People of Ren Faire: 2015


My initial thought about the Pittsburgh Renaissance Festival was a large gathering of nerds being nerdy in an outdoor space…And large pieces of turkey. Mind you, both estimations are frightfully accurate, as I was whisked away into an atmosphere where my British accent was finally recognized for its pure brilliance. Wenches and warlocks, fairies, fawns and jesters leave even the most in-the-closet-nerds yanking on their pocket protectors and batarangs for pure sweetness.

I was often harassed by men and women of the frock, all in good sport though. An overall undertone of vaudevillian whimsy and lecherous behavior, the Ren Faire is quite simply, a fun time lurching around in the middle of nowhere.

At 20.00 per ticket, I would advise hopping on Living Social and snagging one of their coupons to minimize the medieval sting on your pocketbook, but if you want to step away from the Steelers and parkway traffic for a few hours, and you have a good sense of humor, give it a go.

Festivities include: jousting to the death [not really, just mangling], comedy shows, blacksmith and glass blowing demonstrations, kids rides, giant turkey legs, live animals, beer, and dungeonous port-a-potties.

Ren Faire, taking over Newton, PA, runs weekends through September 27.

Photo Credit: Julie Kahlbaugh