Cheap Dates in PGH

Sascha Kohlmann/ Flickr

Maybe you’re here because you want to go out with your significant other without breaking the bank, or because you’re broke but still looking for love or maybe because you are simply a cheapskate. No matter the reason, this list was made for you. And don’t worry, no one’s judging your thrifty ways. You just really need to pay your mortgage and that makes you a responsible adult. Good for you.

William Real/ Flickr
William Real/ Flickr

Unblurred: First Fridays on Penn
An art crawl spanning several blocks in Garfield on the first Friday of every month. Not only is this cheap, it’s free! Especially if you get there early for the abundance of free booze and appetizers. Just don’t forget some cash to tip those generous artists with!

K. Praslowicz/ Flickr
K. Praslowicz/ Flickr

Saturday Nights at Swing City
The Whitman school offers free Swing lessons every Saturday followed by a Big Band led dance party starting at 9pm. $11 cover gets you full access to their 4,000 sq ft dance floor till midnight and an opportunity for both you and your date to make complete fools of yourselves.

Down & Derby/ Facebook
Down & Derby/ Facebook

Down & Derby
Roller skates, beer, and great music. All of these things could be yours (and your date’s) for less than $20. Down & Derby hosts skating events at different venues around town including Belvedere’s and Spirit in Lawrenceville. Click here to find out about upcoming roller discos.

21+ Nights at Carnegie Science Center
Ever wondered what it would be like to explore this amazing facility without a sea of children surrounding you? Now’s your chance. The Northside’s Carnegie Science Center offers 21+ nights complete with adult beverages and, on October 16th, a chance to live out your very own Back to the Future fantasy, complete with dehydrated pizza.

National Aviary/ Facebook
National Aviary/ Facebook

National Aviary
While one of the steeper options on this list (with tickets at $14 a pop), the Aviary is a great spot for a romantic date because last time I checked, super cute penguins=hot date. But if you’re completely broke, you can always just watch the Penguin Cam.

Arsenal Lanes
This bowling alley has it all: karaoke, pizza, cheap drafts, and a prize night. But the best time to put on your bowling shoes is Thursday night. Join Arsenal Lanes from 9 to midnight for an 80/90’s themed all you can bowl extravaganza for $8!

charamelody/ Flickr
charamelody/ Flickr

$5 Monday Night Movies
You heard right, all movies, all day, $5. Not to mention, South Side Works Cinema also offers discounted concessions. Who needs a movie AND dinner when you can just carbo load on buttery popcorn?

Arcade Comedy Theater
Nothing says romance like accidentally snorting as you laugh wildly at an improv show. With tickets ranging from $5 to $20 this could be the perfect way to plan a reasonable dinner and show. And for those of you looking for something to get you in the Halloween mood, Arcade will be hosting a live roast of Freddy Krueger on October 30th.

Title Town/ Facebook
Title Town/ Facebook

Title Town
Make your way down to Brillobox or Thunderbird for a night of Soul and Funk. Once a month Title Town hosts a dance party of epic proportions along with either a live performance or a stellar DJ set.

And if all else fails…

CBS Local and Groupon
Both are easy to sign up for and offer great deals on local restaurants and activities. We promise they didn’t pay us for this, we just really like them.