Light Up Night in Sewickley
If you’re one of the unfortunate people who missed out on the pure joy of 300k people jammed into 10 city blocks for light up night last week, this Friday, Sewickley will host their light up night from 5-9pm. Enjoy lights, music, and festivities in the charming little town just 20 minutes outside of the city. Get there early, parking is limited, but Christmas cheer is free. Visit Sewickley Townships for more details.
Live Jazz at Andy’s
Enjoy free live jazz this Friday at Andy’s Wine Bar in Downtown. In an unfortunate plot twist, the wine is not free, nor the food, but it’s affordable and tasty. However, you’re permitted to drink wine until it feels free. Visit Andy’s.
Pizza and Art at The Warhol
The Andy Warhol museum is holding a live sketch class for teens. And yeah, free pizza to boot. The program encourages creative re-use, and promotes body positivity, as teens will tour the My Perfect Body exhibit and discuss the pressures they face in this vapid over sexed culture. But really, pizza. Visit the Warhol for more info.