#LOCALartIS Katie Gould


When she’s not working as an art handler at The Andy Warhol Museum, Katie Gould is creating her own pathway in the Pittsburgh art community. Gould’s artwork can best be described as expressive realism. With intricate details and emotion put into each pyrography piece, you can convey her love for art.

The creative process for her art is purely visceral.

“I feel like it comes right out of my guts and is funneled through my hand and into the image,” Gould said.

Artists such as Alberto Giacometti, Kiki Smith, and William Kentridge have always been appreciated by Gould – giving her an influence through the stream of creativity.

Gould said creating is who she is. The work she produces is what makes her truly proud in life because it’s so much of herself.

“Creating my work makes me confident and happy, and I will never stop,” Gould said. “I need it for survival.” 

Nachthexen, 2016

In July, Gould had her work featured and available for purchase at The Mattress Factory’s shop – a monthly showcase of local artists held at the contemporary museum. 

Gould is currently working on several pieces. From sculptures made from animal bones and using hair cut from wigs for her ballpoint pens to graphic style renderings, there are constant ideas forming on different mediums.

Some advice she has for other local artists is to not do things that don’t make you happy.

“Don’t take crap from people and don’t change your work to sell it,” Gould said. “No money is worth doing that, ever.”

To see more of Gould’s work, visit her website. Another good way to keep up with her oncoming projects and shows around the city would be to follow her on Instagram.