D’s Six Pax and Dogz – Hot Dog of the Month (May ’19)


May is that strange but awesome time of the year where it feels more like summer than spring, but knowing Pittsburgh it’s nearly impossible to get any consistent weather. However, one thing that remains consistent and awesome is the Dog of the Month at D’s Six Pax and Dogz. The Pierogi Dog is back again and this just MAY be the best one all year!

Pierogies and Pittsburgh go together like pizza and Chicago or cheesesteaks and Philadelphia. So it is only natural to use Pittsburgh’s favorite food as a topping at Pittsburgh’s favorite hot dog shoppe. This seasonal dish consists of a famous D’s hot dog topped with sour cream, grilled onions, and finally the pierogies, all on a freshly steamed poppy seed bun. (veggie options are available as well).

Pittsburghers! Get your hands on this fan favorite dog before the pierogies go racing out the door. This city wouldn’t use running piergies as a form of a distraction from mediocre baseball for years if they didn’t taste good! Make it a priority to get a Pierogi Dog this month, it’s a grand slam.

We’ll be doing these pieces monthly. Check back next month to see the newest creation from D’s Six Pax and Dogz!