Traveling Boutiques Cruise Into The Pittsburgh Fashion Scene

Highway Robbery/ Facebook

Food trucks have been making their way into the heart of Pittsburgh for a few years now. You can find them at concerts, farmers markets, local events, etc. But fashion trucks are starting to take over the mobile business trend. Often seen at swap meets and flea markets, these traveling boutiques are making their presence known in the Steel City.

All of these boutiques feature various sizes and styles of clothing, which is sometimes harder to find in stationary stores. Stores and malls are becoming less popular due to buyers shopping online but, with the traveling boutiques, the product comes to you before you buy.

Magnolia on Main/ Facebook
Magnolia on Main/ Facebook

The Vintage Valet specializes in vintage inspired clothing as well as homemade jewelry while Magnolia on Main features contemporary styles that vary from work attire to active wear. Both of the companies have a large array of styles throughout their traveling trucks, with a constantly changing and growing inventory.

While you may be familiar with Highway Robbery’s storefront location in the South Side, their mobile boutique has all of the same perks of a brick and mortar, with the addition of mobility. Highway Robbery sells mainly vintage apparel from the 1950’s on. Here you will look through band tees, era-based clothing, and some accessories reminiscent of their own unique periods.

Unlike the vintage Highway Robbery, Style Truck carries new clothes from various brands, accessories, and locally made jewelry. Both Style Truck and Highway Robbery host fashion parties that you can have at your own home. Both businesses also use their trucks to support fundraisers. If you happen to catch one of the mobile fashion racks, you can check out their inventory and even try on clothes in the fitting room.

Whatever your fashion style or needs may be, one of these mobile businesses is sure to have unique and trendy options for your newest closet addition. Keep an eye out for these fashion trucks at local events and meets around the city and the larger surrounding areas. You can find the schedules for these ever-wondering fashion mobiles on most of their websites and social media pages.