D’s Six Pax and Dogz – Hot Dog of the Month (August)

The Nitro-Brewed Destihl Moonjumper paired perfectly with the Disco Dog.

Hot dogs are a summer classic. It’s estimated that Americans eat 20 billion hot dogs a year. Whether you’re at a family reunion or at a neighborhood cookout, chances are there’s the unmistakable scent of hot dogs on the grill in the air. Aside from the typical ketchup and mustard dressing, there’s nearly an infinite amount of toppings and styles just waiting to be created. D’s Six Pax and Dogz located in Swissvale puts out a signature hot dog each month, ensuring an innovative style over the traditional summer dish.

The August Hot Dog of the Month is the “Disco Dog”. Although it arguably sounds like something straight out of the kitchen of a late 70’s nightclub, the Disco Dog combines several ingredients that orchestrate with one another to leave the customer satisfied and full. During the first bite, the steamed poppy bread bun gives an unexpected flavorful twist as compared to a typical wheat bun. The fries and cheese toppings pay homage to the Primanti’s sandwich as well. Layered with mozzarella, Jersey poutine, and beef gravy, this dog is absolutely a must try. A vegetarian gravy and hot dog option are also available.

Although pairing the Disco Dog with a six pack would be preferred, I couldn’t accommodate that into my morning schedule for the day. However, D’s suggested that I pair the Disco Dog with a Destihl Moonjumper stout. The nitro-brewed stout left a hint of sweet chocolate malt as it acted as a perfect pair to the Disco Dog.

We’ll be doing a piece each month on D’s Six Pax and Dogz Hot Dog of the Month. Be sure to visit the site next month to see what D’s has in store!